Jean-Luc Mommaerts, M.D., M.A.I., Ph.D.
Jean-Luc studied general and occupational medicine. He obtained degrees in Knowledge Systems and Hypnotherapy and is a Master in Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence. In 2014, he obtained a Ph.D. in Medical Science on the thesis “Subconceptual Processing in Medicine: From Body & Mind to Health & Healing.“
At Kluwer Editorial, he was responsible for the development of a medical decision support system. At Language & Computing, he was responsible for a team of medical knowledge engineers.
Having had a medical practice for twelve years, Jean-Luc has become aware that modern people’s health needs point to the immense strength of the inner mind (the vast neuronal network of the brain that produces much more than consciousness).
Since 1997, he has elaborated his ideas into 14 books, AurelisOnLine (1200+ guided meditations), workshops, 1300+ blogs, a network of Aurelis coaches, etc. At present, his focus lies on developing Lisa, an A.I. video coach based on subconceptual (‘connectionist’) principles.